WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical – Health Canada


AVERTISSEMENT: Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine. La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. – Santé Canada

Diamond Knot Loop Quartz Banger W/ Carb Cap


This Diamond Knot Loop Quartz Banger Nail is the newest innovation in quartz banger designs. This thick quartz banger nail features a truly unique design made specifically for maximum flavor. You heat up the quartz banger by the knot section like you would any other quartz nail and then the magic happens. Once you place your concentrates into a diamond knot watch as it's vaporized into thick tasty vapor! The loop portion of this nail recycles your unvaporized oil back to the diamond knot to ensure no amount of oil is ever wasted. This loop quartz banger also includes a carb cap made specifically for this type of quartz banger. This looping effect increases heat retention and flavor

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