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Rosin Tech Rosinbomb Rocket Electric Heat Press


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The Rosinbomb™ Rocket Electric Heat Press is the first professional-grade, solvent-less press designed and developed specifically for the consumer, in a footprint no bigger than a toaster. Create your own concentrate at home with the compact Rosinbomb™ Rocket that is only 10 inches tall and weighs 13 lbs.

The Rosinbomb™ Rocket will apply 1500+ lbs of force and can crush up to 5 g, depending on the density of your material. The unit is quiet because it doesn't require a noisy compressor to function. Made of high-grade stainless steel. Pulls only 3 Amps at full pressure. Designed and Manufactured in the USA from solid stainless steel.

  • It is not advisable to operate the press without material. A dry press is harder on the machine and could deteriorate the life of the press.
  • You have two buttons for press operation. PRESS and RELEASE. They are located on the face of the cabinet at the bottom right corner. When material is in the press and set to your desired temperature, press the PRESS button. It will proceed upward until it senses maximum capable pressure. It will then stop and hold that pressure. Once you reached your desired length of time, press the RELEASE button to return to home position.
  • If you wish to stop operation in either direction, simply release the button in which ever direction you are currently going.
  • The heat plates take approx. 10 minutes to fully heat before pressing product. Once heated they will maintain your desired temperature.

Quick Start Guide

  • Rosinbomb presses are "Plug-n-Press". Plug in your press and allow the plates to pre-heat for approximately 10 minutes or until the temperature reaches between 190°F - 210°F. Temperature will effect yield. You may need to test your material a few times at various temperatures before achieving maximum yield. If your yield appears to be more like butter, increase the temperature, if it appears to be more like honey, decrease the temperature.
  • Using the Rosinbomb loader (recommended, create a puck by compressing 1-5 grams of material. Place the material between two sheets of parchment paper or mesh bags.
  • Place the prepared material onto the center of the bottom plate.
  • Hold the PRESS button until the plates press together. Once fully compressed, release the button. Rosin will begin seeping from between the plates. The process is complete when the flow of rosin stops, approximately two minutes.
  • Press the RELEASE button to separate the plates. Reset the press using the RELEASE and PRESS buttons, again, to achieve an additional grab at the material and to maximize yield.
  • Allow rosin to cool for at least five minutes before handling.
  • Clean the plates with isopropyl alcohol and a clean cloth. Cleaning the press plates ensures optimal performance.


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